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Keyword Research For Blog

Creating fantastic content is only half the battle. To truly shine online, you need to make sure the right people see your work. That’s where keyword research comes in, and existing blog posts can be a treasure trove for uncovering valuable keywords.

In this post, we’ll delve into how to extract keyword gems from existing blog posts and use them to craft content that attracts your target audience.

Step 1: Deconstructing the Existing Post

Let’s imagine you’re writing a blog post about indoor gardening for beginners. You found a well-written post on the topic, and it’s time to extract its keyword secrets. Here’s what to do:

  • Identify the Main Keyword: This is the primary topic of the blog post. In our example, it’s likely “indoor gardening for beginners.”
  • Unearth Related Keywords: Look at the subheadings, bulleted lists, and throughout the text for terms that flesh out the main topic. These could be “best indoor plants,” “indoor gardening tips,” or “growing vegetables indoors.”
  • Explore the Comments Section: Engaged readers often leave comments that include search terms they might have used to find the post. See if there are any insights there.


By analyzing the existing blog post, you might uncover a range of keywords like:

  • indoor gardening for beginners
  • best indoor plants for low light
  • how to grow vegetables indoors
  • easy care indoor herb garden
  • DIY indoor herb planter

Step 2: Expanding Your Keyword Net

Now that you have a foundation, let’s broaden your keyword horizons:

  • Utilize Free Keyword Research Tools: Google Trends ( is a fantastic free tool that shows you search trends over time. You can enter your seed keyword (“indoor gardening”) and see related searches people make.
  • Think Like Your Audience: Brainstorm how people might search for information related to your topic. What questions would they have?


Using Google Trends, you might discover a surge in searches for “indoor vegetable gardening kits.” This indicates a potential reader segment you can target.

Step 3: Analyze and Prioritize

You’ve got a treasure trove of keywords! Now it’s time to make sense of it all:

  • Search Volume: Use free or paid keyword research tools to understand how many people search for each term each month.
  • Competition Level: Analyze how difficult it would be to rank for each keyword. Ideally, you want a balance between search volume and competition.


“Indoor gardening for beginners” might have a high search volume but also high competition. “Easy care indoor herb garden” might be a good alternative with decent search volume and lower competition.

Pro Tip: Leverage the Power of Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases with lower search volume but also lower competition. By targeting these alongside broader keywords, you can attract a more engaged audience searching for exactly what you offer.


A long-tail keyword for our topic could be “growing tomatoes indoors for beginners in winter.”

Craft Your Content with Keywords in Mind

Now that you have your keyword arsenal, weave them into your content strategically, but naturally. Don’t forget to:

  • Optimize Your Title and Meta Description: Include your main keyword and any relevant variations.
  • Sprinkle Keywords Throughout Your Content: Use them naturally, without keyword stuffing.
  • Target Subheadings and Image Alt Text: This helps search engines understand your content better.

By following these steps and leveraging the power of existing blog posts, you can uncover valuable keywords that will help your content shine and attract your target audience. Remember, keyword research is an ongoing process. As your blog grows, keep revisiting your strategy and incorporating new keyword insights to stay ahead of the curve.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert